自考试题--英语本科(三 )
第一部分 选择题 I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket(30%) 1. Degradation can be illustrated by the following example[ ] A. lewd → ignorant B. silly → foolish C. last → pleasure D. knave → boy 2. Homophones are often employed to create puns for desired effects of: [ ] A. humour B. sarcasm C. ridicule D. all the above 3. The four major modes of semantic change are _____. [ ] A. extension, narrowing, elevation and degradation B. extension, generalization, elevation and degradation C. extension, narrowing, specialization and degradation D. extension, elevation, amelioration and degradation 4. The use of one name for that of another associated with it is rhetorically called _____. [ ] A. synecdoche B. metonymy C. substitution D. metaphor 5. Idioms adjectival in nature function as _____. [ ] A. adjectives B. attributes C. modifiers D. words 6. Grammatical context refers to _____ in which a word is used. [ ] A. vocabulary B. grammar C. semantic pattern D. syntactic structure 7. In the idiom 'in good feather', we change 'good' into 'high, full' without changing meaning. This change of constituent is known as _____ . [ ] A. addition B. replacement C. position-shifting D. variation 8. The word "laconic" is _____. [ ] A. onomatopoeically motivated B. morphologically motivated C. semantically motivated D. etymologically motivated 9. CCELD is distinctive for its _____. [ ] A. clear grammar codes B. language notes C. usage notes D. extra columns 10.Which of the following words is NOT formed through clipping? [ ] A. Dorm B. motel C. Gent D. Zoo 11.Old English has a vocabulary of about _____ words. [ ] A. 30,000 to 40,000 B. 50,000 to 60,000 C. 70,000 to 80,000 D. 80,000 to 90,000 12. _____ are bound morphemes because they cannot be used as separate words. [ ] A. Roots B. Stems C. Affixes D. Compounds 13. Besides French words, English also absorbed as many as 2,500 words of _____ in the Middle English period. [ ] A. Dutch origin B. Danish origin C. Latin origin D. Greek origin 14. A word is a symbol that _____ . [ ] A. is used by the same speech community B. represents something else in the world C. is both simple and complex in nature D.shows different ideas in different sounds 15.Some words in the basic word stock are said to be stable because they _____. [ ] A. are complex words. B. are technical words C. refer to the commonest things in life. D. denote the most important concepts. 第二部分 非选择题 II. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book(10%) 16. The same idiom may show _____ differences when it is used in different meanings including affective meaning. 17. LDCE is a _____ dictionary. 18. Antonyms are classified on the basis of _____. 19. The opposite of semantic elevation in meaning change is called _____. 20. Pronouns and numerals enjoy nation-wide use and stability, but have limited _____. III. Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to 1)types of meaning changes;2)types of meaning;3)language branches and 4)features of idioms(10%) A B 21. grammatical meaning ( ) A. Scottish 22. reading-lamp ( ) B. neither fish, flesh, nor fowl 23. pen ( ) C. morphologically motivated 24. alliteration ( ) D. head of a state 25. difference in connotation ( ) E. answer/ respond 26. elevation ( ) F. etymologically motivated 27. degradation ( ) G. garage ( a place for storing cars) 28. narrowing ( ) H. thing (any object or event) 29. extension ( ) I. part of speech 30. Celtic ( ) J. knave (a dishonest person) IV. Study the following words and expressions and identify 1)types of bound morphemes underlined;2)types of word formations;3)types of meaning and 4)types of meaning of idioms.(10%) 31. heart and soul ( ) 32. father-male parent ( ) 33. mother-female parent ( ) 34. city-bred ( ) 35. lip-reading to lip-read ( ) 36. headache ( ) 37. antecedent ( ) 38. preview ( ) 39. receive ( ) 40. called ( ) V. Define the following terms(10%) 41. specialized dictionary 42. collocative meaning 43. transfer 44. morpheme 45. old English VI. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short Write your answers in the space given below.(12%) 46.What's the fundamental difference between radiation and concatenation? Illustrate your points. 47. What is dismembering? 48. What is collocative meaning? Give one example to illustrate your point. VII. Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.(18%) 49. The 'pen' is mightier than the 'sword'. Explain what 'pen' and 'sword' mean respectively using the theory of motivation. 50. Study the following sentence, paying special attention to the words in italics. If you find anything wrong, please explain why and then improve the sentence.(100 words) The police were ordered to stop drinking about midnight.
模拟试卷 1.根据给出的汉语词义和规定的词性写出相应的英语单词,每条短线上写一字母该词的首字母已给出 1)态度,看法 n. a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2)单元,单位 n. u _ _ _ 3)暖和,温暖 n. w _ _ _ _ _ 4)田野 n.f _ _ _ _ 5)家庭 n.h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6)偏见 n.b _ _ _ 7)汗 n. s _ _ _ _ 8)房间 n. r _ _ _ 9)磨房,碾磨机 n. m _ _ _ 10)办公室 n. o _ _ _ _ _ 11)处理,对付v. h _ _ _ _ _ 12)提名,任命v. n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13)(使)溶解,(使)融化 v. d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14)要求 v. d _ _ _ _ _ 15)欺骗,诈取 v. s _ _ _ _ _ _ 16)取来 v. f _ _ _ _ 17)播送,发射v. t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18)奇妙的 a. w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 19)白色的 a. w _ _ _ _ 20)最近 ad. l _ _ _ _ _ 2.根据句子的意思将括号中的词变成适当形式 1) The test is positive, which _______(show) a particular disease is present. 2) He _______( be) about to retire. 3) We are proud_______(be) Chinese. 4) Those people over there_______(speak)German. 5)I wish I_______(not lose) it. 6) I'd like to lie down and_______(go) to sleep. 7) He_______(allow) an hour to get to the airPort. 8) He will be able to_______(give) the lecture. 9) While I_______(hesitate), time was passing by. 10) We_______(have) a lot more ralnfall this year than we had last year. 3.根据句子的意思选择正确的答案 1) There were two small rooms in the beach house,_______ served as a kitchen. A.the small of them B.the smaller of which C. the smallest of which D.the smaller of them 2) I really do not know whether we can succeed,so do not expect_______. A.us too much B.us of too much C.too much of us D.of us too much 3)I had _______ her state of mind. A.not idea of B.no idea of C.not idea about D.no idea about 4) It is time he _______ strong action against those gangsters. A. took B.is taking C.will take D.takes 5) People have always been very kind _______ me. A.to B.with C.for D.at 6) John said that he did not do _______ paper work. A.much B.many C.lot of D.a number of 7) Children with Parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined _______ high level of self-confidence A.to possess B.possess C.have possessed D.possessing 8) We ______and will never participate in such dirty business. A. have never B.had never C.have never participated D.never participate 9) We will expect to have more rain in the weeks______. A.coming B.to be coming C.to have come D.to come 10) Please write out the answers to the questions at the end of ______. A. Sixth Chapter B.Six Chapter C.Chapter Six D.Chapter the Six 4.下面的每个句子都有四处划有横线并标有 A、B、C、 D,其中有一处是错误的。指出你认为错误之处 1)John, brought up in his uncle's home,doesn't see things in much the same A BC way which his brother Henry does. D 2) This is certainly the case but if is a defect or not I don't quite know. A B C D 3)The death rate from the disease has been increasing at an alarmed speed A B C for the past thirty years. D 4)While studying the report in my office,the telephone rang. A B C D 5) The story of John implies how love cannot be separated from A BC D responsibility. 5.本题共有三段短文,每段短文后面有三至四道小题,共计十道小题。每道题都有四个选择项。找出你认为正确的答案。 Passage 1 The United States is full of automobiles.There are still many families without cars, but some families have two or even more.However,cars are used for more than pleasure.They are a necessary part of life. Cars are used for business.They are driven to offices and factories by workers who have no other way to get to their jobs. When salesmen are sent to different parts of the city, they have to drive in order to carry their products. Farmers have to drive into the city in order to get supplies. Sometimes small children must be driven to school. In some cities school bus are used only when children live more than a mile from the school. When the children are too young to walk that far, their mothers take turns driving them to school. One mother drives on ondays, taking her own children and the neighbors' children as well. Another mother drives on Tuesdays, another on Wednesdays, and so on. This is called forming a car pool. Men also form car pools, with three or four men taking turns driving to the place where they all work. More car pools should be formed in order to put fewer automobiles on the road and to use less gasoline. Parking is a great problem, and so is the traffic in and around cities. Too many cars are being driven. Something will have to be done about the use of cars. 1) According to the passage,which of the foll0wing statements is NOT true? A. Cars are used for pleasure. B. Cars are used for business. C. Mothers drive their children to school. D. Men take turns driving children to school. 2) Which of the following situations can be described as "a car pool"? A. School buses take children to the school. B. A mother borrowing her neighbor's car to go shopping. C. People take turn driving to work. D. Farmers drive into the city to get supplies. 3) It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes ________. A. men should not drive to the place where they work B. people should take turns driving more often C. salesmen should go to different cities by train D. children should walk to the school. Passage 2 Animals cannot be considered equal to human beings because they do not have the same intelligence. There are physical acts that animals share with people, but animals perform these acts instinctively; whereas, human beings normally need to learn them. One instance of this is the way animals care for their young. A mother cat instinctively will begin licking the baby kittens as soon as they are born. The human mother has fewer instincts about her baby and often needs to turn to others,such as her own mother, a friend, or a neighbor to learn how to care for a baby.Some mothers are so anxious that they spend their entire pregnancy reading books on the subject of caring for infants. Therefore, sales of books on pregnancy and care of children are always popular in urban bookstores. Other differences between animals and people are in social organization. People build houses and live in family groups, tribes, villages, towns or larger cities.However, many animals, such as bears, never live in groups, but only contact other animals of the same kind to mate. Another difference is that animals live by the laws of nature, often killing other smaller animals for food. They have no feelings about killing even weaker animals of their own kind because in the world of nature, there is constant competition between animals, and only the strongest tend to survive. On the other hand, human beings apply their intelligence to create working societies and laws to prevent the act of killing other people. 4) Animals share some physical acts with people _________. A. and both animals and people perform these acts by instinct. B. but animals perform these acts by instinct while people learn them C. but people perform these acts by instinct while animals learn them D. and both animals and people learn them 5) Books about pregnancy and caring for babies sell well because __________. A. some mothers have no one to turn to for advice B. mothers are anxious to know what their babies will be like C. mothers don't have many instincts about how to care for their babies D. mothers have a lot of such books to choose from 6) Which of the following is the best title for this passage? A. Animal and Humans B. Instinct C. Lifestyle D. Best Sellers Passage 3 After X rays showed no bones broken, I stopped for some takeout food and pulled onto the highway,worrying about the afternoon's appointments.I passed a carton of milk back to my son strapped in his baby seat directly behind me. "Oh, Mummy, I spilt it." My left hand tightened on the wheel as I tried to concentrate on the road while handing him a couple of napkins with my right hand.Then I gave him some chicken, not seeing the abandoned truck on the roadside.Suddenly the world exploded into a roar of tearing metal.Then stillness. My car had turned 180 degrees and stopped.I was looking through a cracked windshield at three lanes of oncoming traffic.The right front corner of the car was gone. Though I hurt all over and my mouth was tull of blood, I unbuckled(解开)my seat belt, jumped from the car and got my son.He was conscious and shocked."Mummy…" he said softly.I grabbed him and rushed up the bank,where I clung to him, looking at the wreck that had been our family car. We were lucky.We came away with our lives.We would be around tomorrow. That evening my pediatrician(儿科医生) called to inquire about my son's leg.When I recounted the accident and my stupidity in tending a child at 50 miles an hour,she told me of another mother who had done the same last winter.For her and two of her three children,there was no tomorrow. 7)When the author says that X rays showed no bones broken, she is referring to________. A. the baby B.herself C.her patient D.her car 8)The author had the accident because__________. A.there was a children on the road B.an explosion damaged the car C.she ran into a truck D.some metal in the car was torn up 9)When the author says,"we should be around tomorrow", she means that the next day they would_________. A.come there again B.take another road C.be all right again D.go to see the doctor 10)In the last paragraph the sentence "For her and two of her three children,there was no tomorrow" means that__________. A.only one of them survived the accident B.one of them died C.none of them survived the accident D.all of them were wounded 6.完型填空 Mr.Russell and his wife live in Indianapolis, a city in ____1____ state of Indiana.Mr.Russell seems healthy and strong.There doesn't seem to be _____2___ unusual about him.However,he is a ____3____ special person.A few years ago,Mr.Russell was given a second heart. You have probably read something about this wonderful dlscovery ___4_____ modern science.Doctors have discovered how to give a new heart to persons who suffer ___5_____ heart disease.The new heart is taken from a person who ____6____ just died.It is transplanted immediately into the body of someone ____7____ needs it.The operation is not always successful.Several people have died after heart transplants because ___8_____ bodies rejected the new hearts. Some people with heart transplants become strong and healthy again,____9____.Mr.Russell is one of those lucky ___10_____. 1)A.a B. this C. that D.the 2)A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything 3)A.much B.very much C.very D.many 4)A. of B. with C. at D.for 5)A.with B.at C.of D.from 6) A.have B.has C.had D.(no word is needed) 7) A. Which B. who C.where D.when 8)A.his B.her C.their D.one's 9)A.moreover B.as a result C.therefore D.however 10)A.ones B.one C.person D.peoples 7.短文英译汉 Benjamin Franklin would seem right at home among us if he were alive today.In fact, he did a lot to shape our way of life.He had so many useful ideas and served his country in many different ways. Franklin had a practical mind.When he saw a problem, he tried to do something about it.He organized the first fire-fighting company in Philadelphia.He also persuaded the city to light its streets. He did not patent his inventions as he was too busy with his discoveries to bother with making money.Although he was a wealthy man by the time he was forty-two,money by itself did not interest him.He valued it because it enabled him to retire from business.Then he had time to spend on other things that seemed more worthwhile.what he really cared for most of all was science. 8.将下面的句子译成英语 1)这块手表保修一年。 2)主席向大家示意会议开始。 3)大西洋平均水深两英里多一点,但有些地方深得多。 4)这个秘密已向大家公开。 5)身体健康要靠好的食物、新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。 参考答案 1.根据给出的汉语词义和规定的词性写出相应的英语单词,每条短线上写一字母该词的首字母已给出 1)attitude 2)unit 3)warmth 4) field 5) household 6) bias 7)sweat 8)room 9)mill 10)office 11)handle 12)nominate 13)dissolve 14)demand 15)swindle 16)fetch 17)transmit 18)wonderful 19) white 20) lately 2.根据句子的意思将括号中的词变成适当形式 1)Shows 英语主从句时态应前后一致。故which引导的定语从句时态应与前面的主句呼应,均用一般现在时。 2) is be to的基本用法之一:表计划,只用于肯定句和疑问句。e.g. When is the wedding to be? 3) to be 不少形容词可后接补不定式做宾语,e.g. I am sorry to leave. 4) are speaking 现在进行时的基本用法表示正在进行的动作。 5) hadn't lost 虚拟语气用于动词wish的宾语从句中;用过去完成时,表示与过去的事实相反。 6)go 两个动词不定式由 and,or,except,but或 than 连接在一起时,第二个动词常常不带 to 。 7)was allowed 被动语态用于一般过去时中,意思是 he had an hour to get to the airport. 8)give 情态动词 can 若用于表示将来,须变成will be able to 十 动词原形。 9)was hesitating 过去进行时。 10) have had 现在完成时。 3.根据句子的意思选择正确的答案 1)B 句中逗号表明,正确答案应该是由which引导的非限定性定语从句;另外,还要求答案用特指的比较级。 2) C expect…of…表示"指望某人怎样"一类的意思。 3)B have no idea of 一点也不知道,固定搭配。 4)A 句型It is time 后边的从句要用过去时,表示对现在的"虚拟"。 e.g. It is time we went to bed.我们该去睡觉了。It is high time you had a holiday.正是你该休假的时候了。 5) A be kind to,对…和蔼/友好,固定搭配。此外还有 be nice to, be polite to, be rude to等。 6) A work为不可数名词。而 B和 D修饰可数名词, C的用法应为 a lot of或lots of,故只能选 A。 7) A be inclined to do是习惯用法,后接动词原形。 8)C 时态或语态不同,并列谓语不能省略任何成分。 9) D to come是不定式定语,修饰前边的 the weeks.不定式用作定语时,通常置于其所修饰的名词或代词之后;它与其所修饰的名词或代词可能是主谓关系。如:The next train to arrive was from New York.下一列到达的火车是从纽约开来的。 10) C 注意基数词与序数词的区别。"第六章"的表达成是 Chapter Six 或是The Sixth Chapter。 4.判断正误 1) C the same way which 有两种改法。 a)改为 the same way that/in which(先行词前有指示代词 same 时,多用 that。 e.g. That's the same man that asked for help the day before yesterday.这个与前天求援的是同一个人。 b)改为 the same way。在"way"后,"that"往往被省略。 e.g. I went out the same way I'd got in. 2) C if应为 whether。尽管意思都是"是否", whether可引导名词从句而 if则不可。 3) C alarmed应为alarming。注意区分过去分词与现在分词的用法。过去分词表示被动,现在分词表示主动。 4)B studing 应为 I was studying。否则出现悬垂错误,即主从句的主语不一致。 5) C how应为that。句意是:约翰的故事的启示是爱与责任不可分割。 5.本题共有三段短文,每段短文后面有三至四道小题,共计十道小题。每道题都有四个选择项。找出你认为正确的答案。 1)D 选项A,B,C能在文章前三段中找到相关的内容,只有选项D是文中没有提到的。 2) C 根据文章第三段中对几位母亲轮流送孩子们去学校的描述,可以推断出"a car pool"是指一种汽车共乘,轮流驾驶的情形。选项 C就是这样一种情况。 3) B 此题的推断依据是最后一段第一句。 4) B 见文章第二段第一句。 5) C 见文章第二段最后三句。 6) A 全文讲的是人类与动物的区别,选项A最合适。 7) A 见最后一段第一句。call to inquire about my son's leg: 打电话讯问我儿子的腿的情况。 8) C 见第二段第三句。 not seeing the abandoned truck on the roadside:(只顾给孩子递鸡肉)没有看到路旁被人遗弃的大卡车。 9) C be around 起床;活跃。 10) A two of her three children:三个孩子中的两个。 There was no tomorrow:明天已不存在了(在车祸中丧生)。 6.完型填空 1) D 美国的洲名前用定冠词 the。如 the State of California。 2) C 否定句中要用anything作不定指示代词;肯定句中用something或everything。 3) C 英语的词序:副词放在所修饰的形容词前;本题只有very是副词词性,故只能选C。 4) A of 表示所属,意为"……的"。 this wonderful discovery of modern science意为"现代科学的惊人发现"。 5)D suffer from 忍受……,固定搭配。 6) B 定语从句修饰的是单数名词 a person,故答案A是错误的;本句的主句陈述的是现在发生的事实,因而从句也应是与现在有关的时态,故答案C也是错误的;排除A,C后,应辨析B,D从而选出最佳答案。B,现在完成时,表示刚刚发生过的动作,时间距离较近;D,一般过去时,表示过去发生的事情距今时间较远。根据上下文和常识判断,只有刚死去的人的心脏才可能被移植,故而本题最佳答案应选B。 7) B who引导的定语从句修饰前边的名词 a person。 8) C 此处限定词应与主语的数一致,所以A,B,D均不对。 9)D however前带逗号并置于句尾,成为表示转折的连词。 10) A "那些" those 后要加复数名词,故B,C不对。而D的意思是各种少数民族("人"的复数是 People),所以只有 A是正确答案。 7.短文英译汉 本杰明·富兰克林要是现在还活着,他似乎就在我们家中,和我们在一起。确实,他是做了大量的工作才使我们能照今天这样的生活方式而生活。他有那么多有益的想法并且以那么多不同的方式为他的祖国服务。 富兰克林是个注重实际的人。每看到一个问题他总是想法做些什么去解决它。富兰克林组织了费城第一个消防公司。他还说服市政府安上路灯。 他没有申请发明的专利。他太专心于他的发明创造了,无暇想到赚钱。虽然他到42岁时就已经是个富人了,但金钱本身并不能引起他的兴趣。他看重钱也只是因为钱能使他从事务堆中解脱出来,于是,他就有时间去干其他似乎更值得一做的事情。他所真正最关心的科学。 8.将下面的句子译成英语 1) The watch has a two-year guarantee. 2) The chairman signaled to the audience to start the meeting. 3) On the average the water is little more than two miles deep but in places it is much deeper. 4) The secret was disclosed to the public. 5) Health depends on good food,fresh air and enough sleep.
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